
Current Location: Love Games > H5 Game > Alchemy


Essential Viewing Before Play

Alchemy is an engaging puzzle game that challenges players to merge two elements to create a new one. Experiment and discover all possible combinations as you progress.

Understanding the Logic

  1. Each element can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context. For example, \"water\" can refer to both the liquid itself and its symbolic properties like fluidity.
  2. The magical aspect in the game is powerful and draws inspiration from the concepts of real alchemists from medieval Europe, with additional creative input from the developers.
  3. You can create fantastical creatures like a phoenix, but creating modern technology, like a lawn mower, is not possible (at least for the most part).

Release Information

Released in August 2022


Alchemy was developed by Ingenium Games.

Available Platforms

Playable on web browsers for both desktop and mobile devices.

Last Update

August 16, 2022

Gameplay Controls

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